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Beau Jackett performing the role of “Elliot” in the original production of Dark Tales Told on a Cold Autumn Eve.
The Phantom of Horseleech Pond
A one-act play
By Jim Dalglish
The Phantom of Horseleech Pond tells the haunting story of a Boston architect and the mysterious young man he and his five-year-old son meet during the harrowing summer they spend on a lonely pond deep in the woods of Cape Cod.
“Everything you thought you had… Your friends, your family, your home, your job prospects, your marriage… your life? Nothing survives something like this.” - Elliot
A contemporary horror tale of the supernatural set on Cape Cod.
Ian Burgess as “Dale” in the original production of Dark Tales Told on a Cold Autumn Eve.
Elliot - A fledgling architect and devoted father. This is his first family vacation to the Cape.
Matty - Elliot’s five-year-old son.
Dale - A free spirit who “roughs” it on the Cape every summer to earn enough money to survive the winter.
Place - Horseleech Pond, Wellfleet, Cape Cod.
Time - Now and a little into the future.
35 - 40 minutes
Production Concept:
This tale can be performed in a number of ways - as an in-person or Zoom reading, a staged performance, a radio play, or a video with accompanying illustrations and/or animations. A soundtrack and sound effects should be included to bring the viewer or listener into the action.
Production History:
An earlier version of this play was performed as an ensemble component of Dark Tales Told on a Cold Autumn Eve at Cotuit Center for the Arts, October 11 - 28, 2018
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