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Lines in the Sand
Screenplay Adaptation / Feature-length Film
By Jim Dalglish
A 15-year-old boy escapes the homophobic bullies at school and the home of his drug-addicted mother by hitting the road in a dilapidated pickup driven by an ex-con on the run.
Screenplay adaptation of "Lines in the Sand,” an award-winning play written by Jim Dalglish.
Main Characters
Billy – Fifteen years old. Scrawny and a little timid.
Tom – Thirty three years old. Something in his face betrays hard times.
Theresa – Thirty years old. Has been through a lot.
Place - A small American town.
Time - Spring. Just before everything wakes up
2 hours
Intense Drama
Rape, bullying, gay identity, masculinity, religious faith, prison reform, father/son relationships
Screenplay Completed
October 1, 2023
Screenwriter Notes
The Best Actor Oscar Wilde Awards won by Tony Travostino and Nick Bucchianeri for their work in "Lines in the Sand" at the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival.
Lines in the Sand is not an easy script. It won’t be a film in which you can sit back and watch for two hours, smile a few times, and then go home content with yourself and the choices you have made with your life. I didn’t want to write an easy script. I wanted to write a screenplay that would take people to places they were unprepared to go. To coax them to empathize with people they may not normally feel any sympathy. To re-evaluate their pre-conceived notions of crime, rehabilitation, faith and forgiveness. I wrote the screenplay to change people’s lives.
Over the course of the script, my two characters – an ex-con and a 15-year-old boy who picks up men in public parks – take the audience on a journey that will make them look at masculinity, sexuality, paternal relationships, and faith from a new perspective.
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